My parents (it's not cool to call them "the 'rents" anymore is it?) are in town from South Carolina and we all decided at the last minute to go out for dinner. EVERYTHING my family does is decided at the last minute. Is there any other way? So unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me but I was really wishing that I did because whenever we all get together (parents, sisters, kids, etc.), things get loud, crazy, and...Did I mention loud? Not loud in a yelling kind of way, but loud in a 'we all have a naturally built-in microphone' kind of way. We're not the kind of family to sit down to a quiet meal. In fact, we're just the opposite. Someone's always trying to tell a joke, sing a song, crack on one another, and we are all doing this at the same time, which tends to bring the decibel level up a notch or three.
We ate dinner and sat around and 'chewed the fat' for a while......literally. The place in which we dined served 'fatback' as part of their menu. Some of you, especially if you've never lived in the South, have no idea what that is (and it's probably best for your health if you kept it that way). Some people call it white bacon. Basically, it's the fatty part of bacon, fried. Don't judge a girl by her fatback. No need for me to be pretentious here, I've told you I was from the dirty South.
Well, you know Sal Gal was taking plenty of pics, but it was with her cell phone because she too had forgotten her camera, which she never does! She's pretty much known for being the town's personal paparazzi.
And of course, I requested that she email me a few of the pics, and again, what do you think happened?! Yep. I'm STILL waiting on that email. So you'll just have to imagine all of us sitting, eating, laughing, reprimanding youngin's, and eating some more. We had a great time.
I love it when we're all together for short periods of time.
...even if it does end with me having a slight eye twitch.
4 days ago
There is nothing better than a Southern family! This post hits close to home!!
from one dirty south girl to another ---- i love a good piece of fatback (in moderation of course)...
you better quit talkin' all that smack about me or i'm telling mom.
i'll e-mail them just as soon as my eye stops twitching.
love loud southern families!!
That is funny! My hubbys family is the same way. Loud, but you gotta love em. =) The don't judge a girl by the fatback? HILARIOUS! I was cracking up!!
Ha!!! Funny post and sounds like a good night...I feel you on the eye twitch situation ;)
Glad you had fun!
Love some good QT with the family.
(preferably in smaller quantities and planned)
:) glad you had fun!
that's so funny!!!
Oh yes, this sounds MUCH like my family!!! Get this - we are loading up and driving out to Texas to stay with my sister and nephews for Thanksgiving...for the drive out we will have: My parents, myself, a 2 yr old, a 10 month old, and 2 yappy dogs! We are sure to have a time out in TX...
You eat the fatty part of bacon on purpose? The South truly just grows more and more delightful to me each day . . .
By the way, your family sounds like a kick!
Being a Southern Girl myself....I completly relate. Love family gatherings like that!!!
Ha! That is hilarious. Sounds like you all had a good time. I love it when the fam gets together. Boundaries are pretty much non-existent!
So fun! I love loud and fun get togethers!
You are SO funny!!!
Girl, I could fit right in with your family! Fatback and all! I grew up in SOUTH Georgia so I know about fatback!
Your family sounds exactly like ours. We all have built-in microphones, too, and if we have any visitors, they better hope they have one, too! I tell guests--you can't be bashful around this bunch--you just gotta jump right in!
Sounds like great times and my kinda family!
Okay...I'm a southern girl too...but I must admit, I have NEVER heard of fatbacks?!?!?!? Now that doesn't mean I've never eaten one, but maybe it's better if I didn't know what they were called :)
That sounds like so much fun! If envying wasn't wrong I would envy your big fun family (but I still do a little :))! I have such a small family, probably the reason I want a big family...10 JK 4...or so kids!
Sounds like a fun night out! I've never heard of fatback!
I love love love being part of a big family..
Have you ever seen Lip Stick Jungle? Well when I first seen your profile you reminded me of Kim Raver..
My gradmother cooked fatback every Sunday. Lunch at MammaDoris' was like an episode from Big Momma's House! Which is probably why I am now doing a BootCamp 4 days a week.
I wanted to let you know that I finally launched my website We are selling all sorts of great coffee's, teas and treats.
To celebrate the launch we are doing a ton of giveaways. If you would like to get in on it check out
Also, if you are interested in raising $$$ for a charity of your choice check out
Thanks so much!
your family sounds sooo much fun!
Sounds like a fun time!
My husband loves fried bacon. He dips his into ranch.
I have any award for you.. come and get it!
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