Monday, February 1, 2010

The Animal Kingdom Has It Out For Me

Today I just about got taken out by a goat.

I'll let you sit and ponder that one for a while...

There I was just minding my own business, driving home from work, when out of nowhere a random goat darted out in front of me in a spastic attempt at crossing the two-lane road that I travel daily. The best part? I'm almost positive it had on a collar. A red one. Which leads me to believe it belonged to someone and that it wasn't 'wild'. Nonetheless, it woke me out of my mental to-do list pretty quickly. And on a side note, have you ever seen a goat run? I mean really go at it? It. is. hilarious. It in no way, shape, or form looks natural. It looks like what I used to picture myself looking like when I used to run track in high school. I always pictured myself looking pretty dang awkward.

This wasn't my first animal encounter of sorts. I feel like I'm living my own personal episode of "When Animals Attack". Over the summer, while on my evening run, down my routine running route, a chicken frantically darted out of the bushes in front of me and I had to hurdle it, Olympic hurdler-style. Except I was way less graceful. I about bit the dust. A few quick, yet clumsy stutter steps saved me from losing my front teeth to the concrete. I actually felt the chicken's feathers flap on my thigh.

Only in my town would this kind of stuff happen. Listen. I love the south and I love the country, but dang. I've gotta draw the line somewhere. And can we preferably make the line somewhere between the animals and me?


Anonymous said...

Cute blog!

Jamie Lynn said...

I guess it's a good thing you did track in highschool.. for the hurdleing chicken event! Hhaha..


Abby said...

The collar part had me LOL! It's the little things in life, huh?!

Lynda said...

I am rolling! I agree that the line should be between you and animals. How weird that a goat with a collar would jump out at you! And to feel the chicken feathers on your thigh only while in mid-air is just too much to keep me from laughing! Although I bet it wasn't funny at the time. Glad you are okay and didn't wreck!

Kat said...

Hahaha! And oh my gosh! So glad it all turned out okay. ;)