Wordless Wednesday on a Thursday... Arghh!
Last night was the costume party for our children's department at church. This little pirate leaves the 's' sound off of a lot of her words right now and so she kept saying, "I'm gonna 'care em!" (scare 'em)
Oh, and how many of you did one, if not all, of those gender predictor tests, even if just for fun, when you were pregnant? (The Chinese Lunar Calendar, the ring tied to a string, and even one involving Draino?!) Yes, they're just old wives tales, but did you guys try them and did it end up being accurate?
My sisters and I love junk like that! Sal Gal and I googled them on Tuesday and had way too much fun.
And then we played M.A.S.H.
3 days ago
I've never been pregnant so... :)
But, oh how I love MASH - I might have to play again this morning!
What a 'weet (s) little pirate!!!!
She is do darn cute! Congrats on your pregnancy. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
I did the Chinese Lunar Calendar for both of my kids and it was correct with 2 girls! A friend of mine did it and it was wrong for her because she doesn't have a regular cycle.
The cutest pirate EVER!
We did the Chinese gender predictor thing and it was right for 3 of my 4.
Such a cute little pirate.
Very Helena Bonham Carter! I love it!
That is the cutest little pirate in a tutu I've ever seen ~~ okay she's the only little pirate in a tutu I've ever seen, but I'm telling you she is the cutest pirate ever. I would have never thought of the tutu ~~ ADORABLE!!!
No I never did the old wives tales, I was too busy smiling. It took me a while to get pregnant. It was the most blissful nine months of my life.
I look forward to hearing what draino and string says about your wee babe inside ~~ so fun!!!
Have a Beautiful day,
Totally wasted many a notebook page playing MASH...and hated when I wound up in the shack, with Paul S., driving a hoopty, and working as a garbage truck driver! Ha!
YOU ARE KIDDING ME!?!?!?! I swear that you are my long lost sister! I have two little tutu wearing pirates too. Great minds? I think so...
And- yes to all the pregnancy things except draino. All of them said girl too, so I believe 'em!
Kate's a cool kid, just a super cool kiddo!!
I didn't do those gender thingy-ma-bobs, but a friend of mine told me that if you have a boy that has hurricane head (a swirly thing that looks like a hurricane on the top of his head) then you're having another boy. Not sure how true it is but it was true for our two hurricane heads. Actually Rocco has one too so I'd probably keep having boys.
That is a "tutu" cute Pirate! I wish her and Brock could be together!
The Chinese Calendar said I was having a girl soo...but I haven't tried the others.
I've done every gender prediction quiz on the internet I swear!! Most are telling me girl, but the Chinese chart says boy.. We'll see!
That costume is so cute!!
I did a gender predictor thingy and it said I was having a girl...but the person who did it on me had it done and it said girl and well she's having a boy. I guess you've got a 50/50 chance:)
aw...i love it!! it's so cute and so kate!! what a cute pirate she makes!!
i never done the test...i really had no clue how to though!! good luck and let us know which gender it predicts!
That is the cutest pirate I have ever seen! My girls were just playing MASH in the car the other day! I married Wilford Brimley! ewww.
Who knew a pirate could look that adorable!
She looks adorable!
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Hey Hollie!
I used to read your blog all the time, then fell out of the blog loop for awhile... I come back and you're expecting! Congrats to you and your adorable family!
And MASH! Well, we both know what I'll be doing at work now, right?!
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