Thursday, October 29, 2009

I meant to do this last night

Wordless Wednesday on a Thursday... Arghh!

Last night was the costume party for our children's department at church. This little pirate leaves the 's' sound off of a lot of her words right now and so she kept saying, "I'm gonna 'care em!" (scare 'em)

Oh, and how many of you did one, if not all, of those gender predictor tests, even if just for fun, when you were pregnant? (The Chinese Lunar Calendar, the ring tied to a string, and even one involving Draino?!) Yes, they're just old wives tales, but did you guys try them and did it end up being accurate?

My sisters and I love junk like that! Sal Gal and I googled them on Tuesday and had way too much fun.

And then we played M.A.S.H.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Because sometimes he really does deserve a good braggin' on

I need a refill in the energy department. Over the past week, I've felt like I'm pushing against a brick wall just to get through my days. Heck, just today I came home and got myself ready for bed and in my pj's before even starting dinner.

I've found myself tired, hungry, and loving to cry. Well, not loving to cry, but doing it anyway. And not necessarily for sadness. I cry for all emotions at this point: happy, sad, angry, content, grateful and giggly. It actually makes for a great, yet awkward, conversational piece.
You're crying again?
Conversation over.
And the even stranger part? I don't mind it. I like being pregnant and all of the weird side effects it brings. The tiredness makes me sleep like a baby. Love it. No more lying awake in bed making to-do lists after to-do lists. Too tired. It's actually been pretty good for me.

I also tend to have this 'everything and everyone is pure and genuine' view of the world when I'm pregnant. Strange I know. Because normally I can be quite the skeptic. But now, someone can just smile at me in passing, and if they looked the least bit genuine while doing it, I'll wanna go up and hug them and throw out the famous Britney Spears phrase, "Aww, you're so sweet!" Ewwww.

My sis, Sal Gal, even called me out on it the other night on the way home from LNO. It seemed like after every statement someone made, I felt compelled to end it with, "Aww, I love them. " She just looked at me, put her arm around me and said, "Oh you're so pregnant."
Obviously I say "aww" a lot lately. Ewww again.

But don't get me wrong here, I also have the raging, mean-woman inducing hormones going on as well, which can lead to a less than pleasant side, but I try my hardest to keep it in check.

And I fail miserably most of the time.

Thank goodness M to Izz-A is such an understanding husband.

And if you've read my blog for very long, you know I don't use it to constantly brag or dote on M to the Izz-A, but sometimes I do like to share the little things he does that make me love him. I want you to see what I see...

At our weekly Sunday night gathering with friends, we had a hot dog roast (that ended up getting cooked on the grill) and roasted marshmallows to make s'mores.

And this is how M to the Izz-A spent most of the evening. Every time we looked at him, this is what we saw...

It's things like this that make me want to have tons and tons of babies with him.

Tons and tons being code for two or three.

Easy does it.

And on top of all this, he knows how to put me in dangerous situations, like he did tonight:

3 tubs of Blue Bell ice cream. (Dutch Chocolate, Southern Hospitality, and Georgia Peach be exact)

The guy knows what he's doin'.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A fun night, minus the animal droppings and freaky clowns

We took Kate to the fair last night and she absolutely loved it. Well, she loved the rides, but was scared of the clown and thought the animals stunk. Her exact quote when we walked through the animals stalls was, "Shoo-wee." My thoughts exactly.

This year's musical bonus was the fact that they blared Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me". Twice. A little different than last year's musical highlight of the night.
I mean really, what's a night at the fair without Def Leppard pouring some sugar (preferably the powdery funnel cake sugar) on me?

Friday, October 16, 2009

Maybe he should have thrown a pair of sneakers into the gift bag?

M to the Izz-A is finally home! He strolled in around midnight and I managed to stay up until he did, which is late for me. I have the bedtime of an 80 year old. We stayed up 'til about 2 am with him sharing his stories and photographs. I'll post some pics of his trip soon, but for now, here's what he brought home for his two favorite gals.

For Kate:

And me:

Handmade jewelry and a pair of havaianas.

And he bought us a pair of matching bands made from coconut. It looks black in the photo but it's more dark chocolate brown, like..well, coconuts. :-)

We're happy to have him home. Please remind me next week that I actually said that I missed his little hair shavings around the sink. I may have been a bit delusional.

Last Wednesday night at church, right before our Beth Moore study group was about to begin, I sat down and crossed my legs, because I 'm lady-like, right? Not so fast. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to be lady-like with shoes like these:

(Pic taken with my phone)

I knew I was going learn something that night, but little did I know that part of my learning would occur before the class even began. One glance down and there it was in black and white. Literally.

Take a big guess as to which one is mine. You know how sometimes you think that your shoes may be a little bit dirty, but it's not until you see them next to a pair of bright, white new ones that you realize you were only kidding yourself? They're not just dirty, they're filthy and frankly, down right disgusting. I could feel them wanting to hide underneath the metal chair.

Thanks for opening my eyes Kristin, to the poor excuse of shoes that I so blindly sport.

Yes, Mama does need a new pair of sneaks. But ouch! Nothing like a fashion (or lack thereof) slap to the face!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You get the idea

M to the Izz-A returns home tonight and I am about as excited as excited can get. I feel all giddy, like a high school girl waiting on her prom date, like a bride waiting on her groom on their wedding day, like a pregnant woman waiting on a sack full of Krystals.


They all conjure up sweet thoughts in my mind.

So now you know what my thoughts will be consumed with today... tonight's sweet homecoming, not the Krystals.

Alright, maybe both.

Wordless Wednesday

Kate and cousins, Halloween 2008

Monday, October 12, 2009

Insert Witty Title Here (preferably something about a parade, a museum, and lack of cool weather)

Before I share our weekend, I thought I'd answer a few questions that several people asked a couple of days ago:

How far along are you? I'm only two months

How are you feeling? So far no sickness, just that 1st trimester tired feeling. I never got sick when I was pregnant with Kate so I'm hoping it will be the same with this pregnancy.

Will you being doing monthly tummy pics? I haven't thought about it until ya'll asked. Maybe. Probably. We'll see...

Kate is really excited and shows everyone her Big Sister necklace. Although on the way to church on Sunday she told me with an excited tone that I was going to be a big brother! She still hasn't quite figured it all out.

On Saturday we went to a parade in our town. Kate and cousin Kennedy had a great time. They loved the firetruck and Ronald McDonald. And their blue suckers...

It hasn't felt like Fall around here yet. It's been super hot and pretty much just plain miserable. I'm over summer weather and I'm definitely over summer clothes. Oh how I wish it would cool off around here!

Schools were closed today for my county which meant no work for me. And since it was too hot for the outdoors, we chose an indoor activity and went to the Hands-On Children's Museum. Now, originally I thought about the words 'hands-on' as a great idea, Kate would love it! Then the more I thought about it, hands-on isn't just hands-on for Kate, it's hands-on for every kid in north Florida and south Georgia. Not quite as appealing, yet we put on a germ ignorant mindset and had so much fun. But like I told my friend Kasey, although we had a blast, we still went through a couple bottles of hand sanitizer when we got into the car.

There was so much to do there and Kate loved it all. Some of her favorites were the mini-grocery store, the firetruck, and the veterinary office.

I would have LOVED this mini-grocery store when I was a kid. I used to ask for a real cash register every Christmas. I wanted to work at Winn-Dixie and loved watching the girl ring up all of the groceries and type the numbers into her register, especially if she had long fake fingernails and a noisy jingling bracelet. That made it look extra fun.

But today, who loved the play cash register more than anyone?

This girl right here:

Sal Gal even volunteered to ring up other kids' groceries.

The Kids TV station was really neat. The children could sit at the table and see themselves on the TV as if they were broadcasting the news.

See us up there on that little TV?

And this is what happens when you leave Sal Gal alone with the camera.

I'm almost positive she thoroughly enjoyed herself today.

Listening to my cheek

Brazil Update:
I've spoken with M to the Izz-A several times since he's left. He sounded happy and I could sense the excitement in his voice. I sent him over there with our old digital camera (because you know Mama ain't sending her new one!) and he says he's taken lots of pictures.
Other happenings: Their van broke down the other day and they had to push it somewhere and then walk 3 miles or so to their destination. He had to give his testimony to a packed house last night also. I'm so proud of him and what he's doing....but I miss him badly!! I just keep thinking that at the end of this week he'll be home! I actually miss seeing his little hair shavings around the bathroom sink! I must be going crazy.