Thursday, April 9, 2009

It was then that I started my labor breathing

Let it be known that one should never take on a full flight of wooden stairs in fluffy socks.

Last night as I headed downstairs to 'shut the house down' if you will, I managed to make it three-fourths of the way down before I lost complete control of my feet-to-stair traction and fell the rest of the way. It had nothing to do with the fact that I was ticked to notice that there were dishes still in the sink and everything to do with the fact that my purple fluffy bedsocks (a real word in my household) got the best of me. (The ones that say 'Hottie' on the side of them because my mom bought them for me by mistake thinking that they said 'Hollie'.)

My tailbone and forearms took the brunt of the fall. The only thing I remember is falling and then feeling the pain of the impact. After that, I got nothing.

M to the Izz-A said that I immediately started what could only be described as 'labor breathing'. Whooo whoo heeee, whooo whooo heeee!

All of this is from Matt, since I do not remember any of it past the fall itself. He carried me to the recliner and said that I told him that I felt like I was going to pass out. Cue me some Boston's "More than a Feeling" here, because that's exactly what it was, more than a feeling. I passed out. TKO'd. Basically, the stairs and I battled it out head to head and the stairs won.

Fortunately he said is was only for a few seconds. I'm fine though, just a sore tailbone and bruised forearms. Never underestimate the power of a couple of stairs. Let's just say that those two wooden slats showed me who was boss.

The pain factor on a scale of 1-10: an easy 9
The hilarity of it all: off the charts

Bottom line - 1)Just because you wear Hottie socks and pretend that they say Hollie doesn't make you graceful. 2)Labor breathing comes in handy in a plethora of situations.


mandy rose said...

You never seem to fail to make me laugh...hysterically! I am sorry about your fall...but you must admit...great blog material! I especially dig that you wear Hottie socks!

Belle- Pink Cupcake said...

OHHHH fluffy socks are a death sentence. Like really, they need grippys or something. The sad thing is that I fall down flights of stairs even if I wear spiked hiking boots.

Sandra said...

Well, Mrs. Hottie - that is the first funny thing about the post - your mom buying those socks - love that!! I am so sorry about the fall! And please forgive me for laughing at your retelling of this horrible event. Thanks goodness you didn't break anything. And thank goodness for childbirth ;-) Happy Easter xoxo

Amber said...

That is by far the funniest thing I've heard all day! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but I hope you can laugh at it now :) hehe...

Casey said...

Glad to hear you are okay. The Hottie-Hollie socks crack me up. That sounds like something my mom would totally do.

Laura Sue said...

something must be in the air -- i've had crazy falls twice this week!!! at least you didnt break anything... i fell down THREE steps and broke my ankle a year ago... thats right THREE steps!!!

shortmama said...

hahaha I am laughing with you not at you, ok maybe a little at you, but mostly with you!

The Pink Owl said...

Glad you're ok! Like someone else said...I'm laughing WITH you ;) Have a great weekend Hottie, err, I mean Hollie!

Kristy said...

Oh my HEAVENS! I about lost it about the Hottie/Hollie socks. Thanks girl, I needed the giggle. Did you see my blog about the tornado? 1/2 my town is basically gone. But we are fine... still bad. =(

Tiffany said...

I'm happy that you you're okay. Thanks for that story though I needed that this morning! That is too funny about the socks.

KLC said...

Yikes glad you're ok miss hottie :-P

Juls said...

Sorry you fell, but that is a Good Friday story. Plus we need to see a pic of these Hottie Hollie socks!!

Happy Easter,

Sassytimes said...

LOL! Get some rest and feel better, Hottie! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! Are you okay? The neuro nerd in me is worried you have a concussion. Just make sure you're alright and take care of yourself.

I had a similar situation happen to me before with fuzzy nighttime socks. Then a friend purchased fuzzy nighttime socks with rubber grips on the bottom...not as sex-ay but practical!

Rebecca Jo said...

Only you can take a fall & passing out into a funny story!!!

I cant believe you passed out... WOW.. that had to be some sort of fall!!! Dang bedsocks!!

That your mom bought them cause she thought they said Hollie is hilarious!!!

Stay pumped up on Alleve!!!!

Shaina said...

Oh my gosh, I am dying. This is so funny! Thrilled that you are a-okay, dying laughing about the Hottie/Hollie socks. Seriously. Dying.

Michele said...

OMG...Hottie socks...what a riot! I love your mom and haven't even met her! I'm so sorry about your fall...but can relate...I fall down the stairs and they're carpeted, when wearing socks. And the grippers on them don't help at all. I guess I just don't have any grace at all!

Have a great weekend!

USCEmily said...

Hollie, I feel your pain! I did this once except I had on heels that were slick and didn't cooperate with the wooden steps. I only made it about 1/4 of the way down when my feet went out from under me and I slid all the way down on my butt- ouch- my backside was black & blue for weeks!!
I'm glad you are okay!!

Team Clancy said...

I needed that laugh this morning. Glad you are OK!

The France Family said...

Oh my gosh! I hope youre feeling better! I love my fluffy bedsocks too!!!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

So sorry you fell!! But thanks for living to tell the tale! I'm sorry it game me a good morning chuckle!

Sweet Simplicity said...

I can't believe you passed out! I'm so glad you didn't break something. This post was hilarious!

Pink, Green, and Southern said...

Oh man...I'm glad that you think it's funny because I was cracking up. I can laugh and not feel bad because two summers ago I took two steps down a set of wooden stairs wearing leather bottom shoes and ended up the exact same way. I did not pass out, but ended up with an injury that didn't feel too great sitting on a toilet for 2 weeks.

Hope you feel better soon!

katie lake said...

Hope you're not too sore after all that! My fluffy socks tend to make me fall UP the stairs - hhmmm face first...

Madison Sanders said...

Yep, those socks have a reputation for being silppery.

Glad you're ok!

Megan said...

The socks got me. So funny! I can't believe you paseed out! Crazy!

Charis said...

Oh my gosh that's hilarious. I'm sorry you're all bruised though!

Lane said...

Oh no!! Glad you're ok though! The way you tell stories is too funny! :)

Kerri said...

Hottie...I mean Hollie...that was the funniest thing I've heard all day!

d.a.r. said...

Oh no!!! I am glad you are mostly okay. Those fluffy socks should come with a warning label. I wipe out on flat surfaces!

Heather said...

I am sorry to hear about your fall! I fell down our stairs the week before Christmas and broke my foot. I hope you are not too sore, and that you feel better soon.

A said...

i've had my share of labor breathing that was not done in a delivery room.

too funny!!!

momofmoddy said...

Hope you are feeling better my hottie! I could have sworn when I bought those they said HOLLIE...i thought they even spelled it with the ie and not y......oh well..u r a hottie...I didnt fall as hard or pass out but those stairs got me heard it, right!!!

amy (metz) walker said...
