Monday, February 23, 2009


Remember when I realized that Kate loves the camera and that she cheeses it up every chance she gets? And in that same post we solved the mystery as to why she did this. Well, it seems as if we haven't seen the best of her yet. Judging from the following pictures, the best is yet to come...

Growing up I was a girl of many poses. My family still makes fun of me 'til this day for the fact that every time someone brought out a camera, I had a pose, some more famous than others. Many of my poses didn't make it through the test of time, but here are a few that seemed to have held their own.

"Hey Daddy, take a picture of me leaning on this balcony...kind of like you just walked up and I was already leaning like this."
But in my defense, I am rockin' some serious daisy dukes with absolutely no shame.

Ahh yes, the brown picture....brown wood paneling, brown sectional, brown cassette player. The whole picture just looks brown. At first I thought it was a black and white photo due to the lack of color, but then I realized it's actually just brown and white. If it weren't for that pose, this photo would be so boring. Yes, the pose definitely saved it.
And I saved the best for last....

This one, my dear friends, is my most famous pose as a child. One too many visits to Olan Mills wouldn't you say, Mom? Head tilted just so, resting gently on my clasped hands....what more could you ask for? Oh that's right, a gorgeous brown Town Car as a side prop.

So as you can see, the world was my portrait studio...only without the light blue carpeted box as an arm rest and the unfortunate back drop of a fake meadow.

The 'posing phase' lasted throughout most of my childhood, until I hit the teenage years, which is when I started the 'hiding from the camera phase'.

Was I ever just a normal kid that smiled a normal smile for a picture?

Absolutely not.

That would have been way too easy.


Sassytimes said...

That Olan Mills pose is priceless!!!

Jenni said...

You were Vogue-ing way before Madonna!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

You were such a cute little girl!

Dana said...

LOL!!!!!! The Olan Mills comment almost made me spit my capri sun(yeah, so I haven't grown up yet) across the room!

Mrs. Classic said...

I love it! I also love her room! Thanks for showing us the pictures.

Sandra said...

Okay thanks!! Your Olan Mills pose gave me my Laughing Out Loud moment today! I must have one of those every day!!

Tim said...

Oh Hollie that post was hilarious! I love looking back at old photos. I was expecting to see some of the little one two though. Oh well, I know there will be more.

Love and Prayers,


Abbi said...

those are so cute!!! can't wait until kate and kennedy get older and we can see the features of us in them!! very cute!!!

Summer said...

I totally have the posing problem too. Proudly though.

Lindsay said...

That is hilarious! I have many of the Olan Mills photos as well, too funny! One is really a brown and white looking photo, I guess it was there version of the sepia tone??? I'll have to dig it out and post it.

Now we know where Kate gets it!

Shaina said...

Love this! Absolutely hilarious. The Olan Mills people must have LOVED you! Such an easy subject! :)

Mrs. Hibit said...

These are great! And I think Kate looks a lot like you in the first picture. :)

Anonymous said...

Soooo hilarous! It brought back memories of doing the exactly the same thing....I so loved to pose for the camera, started posing as soon as someone brought one out!!

Love the shorts! I actually had a similar pair, but in blue. No way could I get in a pair of daisy dukes now....but hey in all fairness, I have had two kids! Which wasn't actually an easy feat!

Kate's room is adorable. So girlie, girl!


Emily said...

priceless, adorable pictures.. i too was a poser! I love the leaning over the balcony one!

Heather said...

LOL!! Crack me up about Olan Mills! We went there one too many times too! Your Kate makes beautiful pictures though! Fun post!

Rebecca Jo said...

I never knew Olan Mills was National!! That's hilarious... I almost spit out my Diet Coke reading that one!!!

Melissa said...
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Melissa said...

We ARE LONG LOST SISTERS!! I totally had shorts like that (and apparently passed them on to you!) we had brown walls, shag carpet and a brown Buick! Oh my word! I knew I loved ya! (And we have really never even met)AND I SO WISH I could share my real Olan Mills pictures. SO P-r-e-t-t-y! I had wings.. hairsprayed wings.

Les said...

Way to rock the 'dukes!! Loving those brings back memories :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, the brown paneling...I'm so glad that is out of style now.



Sweet Simplicity said...

This is so funny! Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Holli said...

Hilarious! Love it, love it, love it!

Tim said...

By the way, did you see my last post? If not check it out, it was very difficult to write but will for sure be worth the read. If you feel led to do so, post about it so that we can get the word out so that this ministry I am starting will speak to many.

Love and Prayers,


MiMi said...

Love the Olan Mills pose! I think my little 3 year old granddaughter is following in your footsteps. I got the camera out last Sunday and she asked, "Do you want me to pose?"

Loved these pictures. Thanks for sharing!