photo c/o Wikipedia

The CHOCOLATEY part, not the 'partially hydrogenated vegetable oil' part.
This week I discovered that they make a chocolate version of one of my most favorite candy bars in the world, Charleston Chews. And yes, I now know that they make a strawberry version too, but with very few exceptions, please don't add any type of fruit ingredient or healthy fruit taste to any of my sinful delights. If I wanted fruit flavor I would have headed to the produce department. It's kind of like how my sis Sal Gal says that the apples ruin a good apple crunch pie. It's like phrasing gossip in the form of a prayer request, it's just wrong. You with me?
Charleston Chews have been around for a very long time, since 1922 to be exact, but they are often hard to come by. My grandparents said that when they were growing up they were sold in almost every store. But now I can only find them in certain ones in my area. I don't know how people made it before 1922, wondering around aimlessly I'm sure, headed through life without these delicious treats. It's even made with imitation chocolate, but I cannot bring myself to discriminate. And it was of no surprise to me to see that the Tootsie Roll Industries are the ones who produce this sweet bar of love, as you'll remember my post from a while back about another obsession of mine.
And then the other day, after I take my last bite of one, I look at the wrapper and it reads, "Try Me Frozen." Try you frozen you say? Well I thought you'd never ask. There's a Charleston Chew on aisle two waiting on me and it's freezer bound I tell ya. I LOVE desserts and candy that you can put in the freezer. I love putting these and these and of course Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies® into the freezer as they all seem to become more delectable with ever degree they drop.
Anyone else out their share the love for these chewy bars? I bet your grandma does. If not, you got something else I should try?
As I said, sometimes they are hard to find, but this chic wouldn't hesitate to jump in her car and drive to Charleston for this Chew.

The mini chews are the best!
Check out my Gif-Away when you have a chance!
Hmmm... never heard of it. You'll have to send me some!
Hmmm... Is it anything like a Riesen? Those are yummy..
I'm in LOVE with these too!! Dean thinks I'm crazy when I stick them in the freezer! lol! You'll love it!
I DO, I DO!!!! They are my favorite (and are a smarter alternative to buying chocolate and marshmallows separately for smores!).
Dang it, not I really have to have
I like all of my chocolate better, cold! Try Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls after they have been in the freezer for about 15 - 20 mins:)
I have never heard of these, and I do love me some chocolate. I am going to be on the look out for them now, even though I am trying to lose some weight.
i've never heard of these either! they sound good though
"It's like phrasing gossip in the form of a prayer request, it's just wrong."
I am with sal gal! I was totally going to type the same thing!! GIRL! YOU are cracking me up with that statement and yet it needs to be stated from every pulpit in America.. yes it does! AND NO Windy did not say to put Little Debbie Cake Rolls in the freezer!! I just might go get me some right now! That makes you want to smack somebody hard!! It's too good!!
Do you know I have never had a Charleston Chew? But I LOVE candy bars that are frozen!
Aww. This made me all sentimental for my dad. He and I LOVED to share a HUGE (you know how long they are) Charleston Chew candy bar. I LOVE them. I haven't seen them around in so long.
I'll be on the lookout. :)
Just found your blog - so cute!
I have never tried those before.... did I hear a gasp? its true!
Your right you don't see them much in the stores.....I'm gonna have to try them in the freezer???? never had them that way. I love candy in the freezer. Thin mint cookies are the best frozen. YUM! Did you say poptarts??? Huh...That's a new one??? Where do you come up with this stuff? :)
I absolutely love Charleston Chews...and frozen is the best. I can eat one of those boxes in no time at all!
I've never even heard of these. I will be on the look out for them...
We used to always have these at camp. I can't believe that they are hard to find by you, but I think that maybe they are limited in the South because of the heat and the fact that they melt so easily? I know that here in NY Mallomars (the cookies) are limited to production only in the winter months because they'll melt into big goopy messes. And one last tidbit, I think I remember Charleston Chews coming in banana flavor, too!
My dad loves the thin mints in the freezer, he would always by so many boxes to last us. He also freezed Hostess cupcakes- I love that one too :)
Frozen Reese's cups are to DIE FOR. Check it out for yourself and you'll be thanking me. :)
your probably goin to die when i say this (or type don't think i've ever had one!! i'm goin to have to try them! i need to come over and try one!
These are soooo awesome! I just smiled when I read your posting about these.....they are one of my favorites and my youngest son just loves the mini ones!!
Found your blog not too long ago and just love it!!
ps. your daughter is just adorable!
SO, what did I find on my outing to Walgreens today?? Well, nothing short of heaven my friend! I had never heard of Charleston Chews until reading your blog last night, and there they were right before my very eyes. Yes, I did purchase them. No, they weren't on my list, but sometimes ya gotta splurge! I AM ADDICTED. I immediately came home and shared with my hubby (just a few, because I'm not that nice). He loved them too! The remainder is in the fridge. I can't wait to try them chilled. Thanks for the tip :)
I L O V E chewy candy! Tootsie Rolls are my fave, but I do like the C. Chews as well. So good. I kind of want to leave my warm sofa & go buy one now.
I will buy these!!!!! YUM!
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