Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Anna!

Tonight we went to Cousin Anna's 4th birthday bash.

It's obvious that the birthday girl gets the best seat in the house!!

Aunt Sal Gal and Kate

She LOVED the little playhouse.

My cousin Ben (Anna's daddy) and me

All the fellas, discussing grocery lists, hormones, and exchanging recipes I'm sure.

We had a great night, but left a little early. I'm running in the Gate River Run 15K in the morning so I didn't want to stay out too terribly late. (But you know I had to stay long enough to grab some candy from the pinata.) Plus, the temperature started to drop and although Kate was sportin' her pajama bottoms under her skirt to try and stay warm, we were all getting a little chilly. After telling everyone goodbye a hundred times like we always do, we called it a night...a fun night at that!

Again, Happy Birthday Anna!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Wacie's Way said...

LOVE the Gator chair!!! Good luck on your run tomorrow! I need to figure out a way to start running regularly . . . the Girl Scout cookies are catching up with me!

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Happy Birthday to the cutie! She is adorable. Good Luck in the run!

shortmama said...

How cute is that cake?! Good luck in your run!

Jon and Steph said...

Good luck with your run!!

Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

Kate has a bow on! So cute!

Good luck with the run. I'm totally impressed.

Lea Liz said...

looks like fun! You look so cute! so does kate of course!! Good luck in your run today!!

Lea Liz said...

looks like fun! You look so cute! so does kate of course!! Good luck in your run today!!

Lea Liz said...

looks like fun! You look so cute! so does kate of course!! Good luck in your run today!!

Abby♥ said...

aww sal gal looks a lot like you. Anna is adorable!

Lane said...

WOW a 15K!! Awesome! No wonder you look fabulous! :) Lovin the awesome tan too! lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

'preciate the crop.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how your run went! The party looked like so much fun, by the way.

Lianna Knight said...

Oh My GOODNESS!!! I am SO sad!! I wish I would have read your post earlier...I live in Jacksonville and ran the Gate River Run today!!!! I wish we could have met :(

Maybe next year??? How did you do? It was my first run EVER and I ran 6 miles and walked 3...and my toes look LOVELY!!!

Hope you had a great run and I hope we can meet up next time!

Abbi said...

how cool was anna's cake???!! you would know i spotted the cake in the pictures!!!
hope all went well today!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

You go girl! Kate looks adorable and you look gorgeous as usual! I bet you rocked that race! :) woo! haha!

Heather said...

Sounds like a great party! Hope you did well in your race! CAn't wait to hear about it! Love the picture of Kate in the playhouse!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Run!! Can't wait to hear how you did! You are such my hero....I may have made a mile or!!


Madison Sanders said...

Looks like fun!

Katy said...

I love family get together's..looks like a fun time!

Lindsay said...

Looks like a lot of fun I love birthday parties......Where did they get that guitar cake? OMG my son would die. He loves guitars and his birthday is in July I have to have one!

Oh and good luck on that run, your such an inspiration!

Chic Runner said...

Love the pictures! looks like a great party. Can't wait to hear about your run! Hope it went well.

Anonymous said...

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